Cantonese Speaking PT in Randolph MA

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BD Physical Therapy


Looking for a Cantonese speaking PT in Randolph MA?

Did you know that the Asian population is currently the fastest-growing minority group in the USA?  And it is expected to grow by nearly 115 percent, reaching over 34 million people, by 2050! 

For healthcare providers in the Randolph MA area, it is common to have patients whose native languages are something other than English.  This can become challenging when it comes to providing treatment, both for the patient and the healthcare provider.

Having a healthcare provider that speaks your language can help create a more comfortable experience.  Not only can your healthcare practitioner explain the diagnosis and available treatment options in a way you can fully understand, you can better explain your pain and needs – effectively creating a better quality of care.


Meet Andy Ng, DPT at BD Physical Therapy

If someone you know is looking for a Cantonese speaking PT in Randolph MA, please let them know about Andy Ng, DPT at BD Physical Therapy in Randolph MA.   Andy is a fabulous physical therapist and gets rave reviews from his patients.   You can find him at our clinic Monday through Friday.

Andy is also certified in Dry Needling.   Dry needling is a technique physical therapists may use in Massachusetts for the treatment of myofascial pain and movement impairments.  It is a specialized treatment that utilizes filiform needles to release trigger points.  It is usually combined with other physical therapy techniques.


Psst! We also speak Haitian Creole, Cape Verdean Creole and Spanish.


BD Physical Therapy, Randolph MA

63 South Main St.
Randolph, MA 02368
tel 781-961-4460

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