BD Physical Therapy Clinic, Randolph, MA: Randolph Running Groups
Interested in joining a local running group?
How about joining Colonial Road Runners?
BD Physical Therapy Clinic, Randolph, MA suggests Colonial Road Runners. This group is based in Abington, MA. They describe themselves as “providing friendship, support, and a variety of trail opportunities for runners of all ages, abilities, and goals.” Their website posts training runs, fun runs, club sponsored road races, and more.
Club membership includes the following: group training runs, track workouts, Club Grand Prix Competition, discounts on Club clothing and running stores, achievement awards, Boston Marathon activities and eligibility waivers, bi-monthly club newsletter, annual Club banquet, and post-race social events at local restaurants and pubs.
How about joining The Wompanoag Road Runners?
BD Physical Therapy Clinic, Randolph, MA also suggests The Wampanoag Road Runners. This group was established in 1984. They describe themselves as “committing to meeting new challenges, sharing in volunteerism and enjoying incredibly fun social engagements and other fitness and nonfitness based activities throughout the year.” Their website lists Sunday fun runs, summer festivals, 5Ks, marathons, 1/2 marathons and more.
Club membership includes the following: weekday and weekend group runs, track workouts, training options for 5K through ultra marathoning, limited number of Boston Marathon entries, discounts from local businesses, summer bash, Christmas party, and training partners.

3 websites offering local running information This website allows you to upload personal running routes in Randolph. It also allows you to see other runners’ uploaded running routes. This website shows you local trail length, surface, and end points. Local trails listed include, among others, Quarries Foot Path, Neponset River Greenway, Pine Tree Brook/Popes Pond Park and Hanover Branch Rail Trail. On this website you can search for local races. You can plug in search criteria such as proximity to Randolph, type of race, and distance of race. From this site you can also download MyRaces. This is a free app that allows you to track your race itinerary, view recent results, access photo links, and manage personal goal times.
Every runner can expect to experience an injury at some point. It could be a sore muscle or an achy arch. Or it could be something more severe such as an ankle sprain or runner’s knee. But there is good news! Physical therapy is highly effective in both preventing and rehabilitating running injuries. Physical therapy for running injuries focuses on improving strength, mobility, balance, and flexibility. It also focuses on correcting any deficiencies. If you need any help getting back on your feet, after a running injury, check us out at BD Physical Therapy.
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