BD Randolph, MA Physical Therapy: I Love Kickboxing Randolph!

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BD Physical Therapy, a Randolph, MA Physical Therapy clinicwants you know about a fantastic kick boxing program right here in Randolph, MA that encourages fun fitness and is good for your health!

BD Randolph, MA Physical Therapy
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According to their website, I Love Kickingboxing Randolph! blends the following four boxing styles from around the world into one awesome workout:


Often referred to as the “Sweet Science” and one of America’s oldest pastimes, it’s also one of the best ways to stay lean and fit.  Boxing techniques are primarily the Jab, Cross, Hook and the Uppercut. The Boxing aspect of our classes utilizes all these punches along with conditioning methods used by actual fighters. Your arms will get lean and toned quick!

 Muay Thai Kickboxing

The national sport of Thailand, Muay Thai is as exciting to practice as it is to watch. Muay Thai fighters don’t just use punches and kicks, but also knees and elbows to strike against pads and heavy bags. This style of training will bring your current level of fitness to an entirely new level. Thai Boxers are amongst the most ‘toned’ of all athletes and the techniques are effective for self-defense as well!


Kickboxing began as a combination of boxing techniques and the kicking moves that are used in several martial arts, such as Karate, Kung-Fu and Tae Kwon Do. Kickboxing techniques require timing and help build your balance and coordination, as all four limbs are being used. These moves develop your ‘core’ conditioning and provide a real ‘full body’ workout.

 San Da / San Shou Kickboxing

This method of Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling and Judo was adopted by the Chinese Military over 80 years ago. They recognized that it was one of the best ways to get their soldiers in the best shape possible…as quick as possible. Our San Da / San Shou training will tone and strengthen your legs, back and abs more than almost any other form of exercise.”


If you are wondering what a kickboxing class is like at I Love Kickboxing, their website explains what to expect at one of their kickboxing classes:


“Conditioning:  We start class off with a flurry of awesome exercises, like: squats, lunges, jumping squats, double lunges, pushups, crunches, burpies, and a ton more. You’ll get an insane workout from head to toe, and burn more calories than you can count!
Stretching: Now that your muscles are warmed up, it’s time to stretch. This gives you a chance to catch your breath, drink some water, and get your muscles loose and ready for
Part 3…
Bag Work aka The Fun Part:  Your muscles are stretched out, warmed up, and ready to go. Time to strap on your gloves and start workin’ the heavy bag! You’ll learn fun, exciting combinations of punches and kicks, and get an amazing workout practicing them on the heavy bag. Release your stress, burn calories, and fight the fat!”



BD Physical Therapy, a Randolph, MA Physical Therapy clinic, supports
I Love Kickboxing, in Randolph, MA as they promote fun fitness in our community.  

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